

GTA Player
Mar 4, 2025
Reaction score
  • support on multiplayer ped and vehicle customization in DefaultRegions.xml
  • adds 9 new callouts with multiple variations
Street Race :
Go to a car meet with the intention of stopping a street race from happening!

Operation Tropical Justice :
This callout sends you to Cayo Perico, where you have to go undercover and extract the mafia boss!

Train Accident :
A investigative callout - talk to victims & witnesses on scene, then catch the suspect!
ATM Robbery :
A robbery has been reported. Get information from the victim on scene & search for the suspect!

Drug Handover :
Make sure to intercept the handover and take the dangerous drugs of the street!

Previously fled vehicle spotted :
Another officer has spotted this vehicle, talk to him and hopefully find the thief!

Burglary :
Drive to the reported location and make sure to catch the thief, unless it's a false alarm.

Search Warrant :
Working with Interiors you must fulfill the search warrant & clear every floor. Depending on the scenario you may find different things, possible related to a crime and suspect.

Convenience Store Dispute (definitely a Karen involved) :
A dispute between a clerk and a woman has been reported. Handle the situation appropriately, unless somebody crosses the line!

This is MCCallouts:
24 different exiting callouts!
Available in
& many more to follow!
Comes with its own Menu!
Different outcomes & multiple locations!


It is required to install any OpenInteriors Mod, for example

Known drug transport ship spotted (new in v1.8.1)

Officers are already on scene, guarding it. Talk to the ship owner and take a close look at the cargo!

Bicycle Accident
(new in v1.8)

A traffic accident has been reported. Drive to the scene, find out what has happened and who's at fault!

Bomb Reported (new in v1.8)
A possible bomb has been reported. Search for the bomb and deactivate it, if there is even one...

Zombies Reported (v1.7)
A concerned citizen reported zombies?! Drive to the scene and make sure everything is good...

Cash Transport (v1.7)
A risky money transport is about to happen. Make sure the target makes it safely to its destination, but prepare for some neaky attacks...

Noise Complaint (v1.6)
A report about a noise complaint came in, investigate and make sure they lower the volume!

Burning Dumpster (v1.6)
Extinguish or call the fire department for help! What could have caused this fire? Has somebody done that on purpose?

Missing Pet (v1.6)
A concerned citizen reported his pet missing! Search the pet and make sure it doesn't attack anybody, especially you!

Shoplifting (v1.5)
A shopowner reported a shoplifitng. Drive to the scene, get a description and search for the wanted suspect! Make sure to remember the suspects description. Don't let him get away!

SolveMurder 3 (v1.4)
This is the third part of the series! Talk to the leading detective about an officer fatality, find evidence, talk to witnesses and find out who the suspect is! Don't let him get away with murder!

Minor Drinking & Partying (v1.3)
There is a big party going on at a well known location… a famous DJ is playing tonight, but some possible minors are in the crowd and possible drunk, too. Go to the party location and make sure everybody has a safe and fun staying!

Illegal Fishing (v1.3)
Check on a call about a fisher, make sure he has a valid license and is sober and not under the influence.

Prisoner Flight (v1.2)
Do you have a pilot license? You better have, because a high-risk prisoner transport is required to a snowy quiet area…

Hostage Situation (v1.1)
Officers notified Dispatch about an ongoing Hostage Situation. Drive to the scene, negotiate with the suspect & chose the appropriate way!

Lost Freight (v1.1)
Somebody called about lost obstacles on the street. Find out what’s really going on & make sure the roads are safe!

Lost Object (v1.1)
A citizen called in about a lost object. Drive to the scene & help with searching the object, but only if you think this is a right call for service!

Dispatch notifies you about a kidnapped individual. Make contact with the suspects and find out what’s going on! Make sure to not let them get away!

Wanted Suspect Located
A very clean one! Somebody notified dispatch about a wanted suspect. Check out the locations, but be aware the suspect might react different each time & hide on different locations!

Solve Murder
This callout inspired me to start coding, thanks to @NightYield for inspiration & helping! On this one you’ll have to go to a location, where a murder has occurred. Jump in the shoes of a detective, interview the suspects, search for evidence & arrest the murderer!

Solve Murder 2
The 2.0 version after the first one! Here you go again, this time on a different location with more officers, possible suspects & evidence. Also the conversations have increased, which makes this an awesome journey through the second part!

Person with Firearm
Caution! Dispatch tells you about an individual with a gun. Make contact with the suspect, but make sure to get a backup on this one, the suspect might react different.

Fast Pursuit
A classic, but fast one! Drive to the location, but make sure to catch up on the vehicle!

Intoxicated Individual
A concerned citizen called in about a person wandering around. Make contact with the person, but make sure to bring along a puke bag

Somebody called in a shootout between 2 persons, go to the scene and make them stop shooting! The suspects will react different each time you’re playing..

The MCMenu comes with a lot of useful features. Equip a rifle, gear & heal up or request a specific callout!

MCCallouts supports English , German , French , Czech , Russian , Thai , Japanese , Italian , Polish , Spanish & Vietnamese
at this time, configurable in the .ini.
You want to help translating?
You can either do that on or on my discord sever linked at the top.
Open the downloaded MCCallouts folder, then drag-&-drop all files in the main gta folder.

What's New in Version​

Released 20 hours ago

v1.8.1.0 (update .dll, .pdb & .ini
- added new callout DrugsOnBoat
- new language vietnamese
v1.8.0.3 - Merging & Translation update:
- merged all required .dlls into MCCallouts.dll
- added a lot of translation files
- new language spanish

v1.8.0.2 (update RageNativeUI) :
- updated the included RageNativeUI
- added announcement to Ko-fi

v1.8.0.2 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & Translations) :
Bug fix update

  • fixed update checker by removing natives from thread
  • LostFreight: fixed spawning wrong cop-models & trailer
  • BikeAccident: fixed engine smoking, hood opening natives

v1.8.0.1 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb) :
Bug fix update

  • Zombies Reported: changed location native
  • Wave: added check for valid models, added Dictionary for peds and blips, fixed blips not disappearing after zombies dead
  • fixed get locations natives, changed ref to out
  • BikeAccident: fixed Officer1 Dialogues after choosing scenario, changed name of suspect

v1.8.0.0 (update all files) :
Big update! Thx to @NightYield again!

- 2 new callouts: BombReported & BicycleAccident
- new Ini: You can now change all emergency Vehicles & Peds callout-wide!

- added a lot of translation Xmls
- fixed an issue in ZombiesReported where the callout hasn't started
- fixed an issue in Kidnapping where the purusit aborts
- fixed an issue with MCMenu opening when set to None
- updated Readme

v1.7.0.0 (update all files) :
- 2 new callouts: Zombies Reported & Cash Transport
- added dance option to Noise Complaint
- updated Readme (licenses, formatting, credits)

v1.6.1.0 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & Translations folder) :
critical fixes:
- renamed german BurningDumpster.xml
- fixed translation requirement checker code

v1.6.0.0 (update all files) :
- 3 new callouts
- redone the requirement checker
- made the translation code cleaner
- thx to @NightYield for testing!

v1.5.0.3 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & Translations folder) :
- removed AppleShop
- added MinorAlcohol, IllegalFishing, Shoplifting & SolveMurder3 to czech translation
- added Shoplifting to polish translation, polish is complete
- updated the UpdateChecker

v1.5.0.2 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb) :
- made Test Callout toggleable, disabled by default
- AppleShop: spawns objects now when <= 100f

v1.5.0.1 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb) :
- fixed an issue with dublicate Console Commands
- added spanish codewise, translation files will come, thx to @Daamu32

v1.5.0.0 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & Translations folder) :
- new callout Shoplifting, added translation file for it
- added each translation file to the requirement checker (if some are missing, no crash will occur, but MCCallout won't load)

v1.4.2.0 (update MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & Translations folder) :
- added MinorAlcohol, PrisonerFlight & IllegalFishing to polish translation
- fixed invalid keys with MCMenu with polish language
- small changes + translation file for SolveMurder3
- updated Readme

v1.4.1.0 (update Audio folder, MCCallouts.dll & .pdb when updating) :
Bugfix (critical):

- added a missing audio folder causing the plugin to not load
- SolveMurder:
- added signs to crime scene
- added blood to suspect
- added suspects name to vehicle and a little easteregg on vehicle

v1.4.0.0 (update Translations folder, MCCallouts.dll & .pdb & .ini when updating) :
- added new Callout SolveMurder 3
- small changes to the dependency checker, when Newtonsoft.json is installed, but other dependencies not
- fixed the MinorAlcohol translation in all languages to english, if file isn't translated yet

v1.3.1.0 (install NAudio.Wasapi.dll, Translations folder & MCCallouts.dll & .pdb when updating) :
- added NAudio.Wasapi.dll, which was missing mor the MinorAlocohol callout to work
- added crash prevention, when dependency(s) are missing [user friendly]
- added translations

v1.3.0.0 (replace all files when updating) :
- added 2 new callouts: IllegalFishing & MinorAlcohol
- added support for StopThePed
- Intoxicated Individual: added locations, anims & reworked code
- put PR anim in try catch to prevent crashes
- added translations

- new Callout PrisonerFlight

- HostageSituation:
-> fixed a crash when ending
-> fixed the syned scene with two peds
- new polish translation
- added a realistic & cool animation, thx to @Echooo
- MCMenu: added a "seperate callouts list" tab
- a lot of small changes & bugfixes, listed on the discord server

- fixed a crash trying to unload the MCMenu when its not even loaded
- fixed a crash in HostageSituation trying to access empty lists
- corrected code when Suspect in HostageSituation is killed, fixed Dialogue & Animation & DistanceWarner

- fixed the french translation, thx to Lesion
- added italian translation thx to cristian

- added 3 new callouts:
- Hostage Situation
- Lost Freight
- Lost Object
- now supports 7 different languages

beta v1.0.4.1:
- fixed an error in Hostage Situation: added a try catch method for the syncscene
- an error in Lost Freight: added missing parameters to enter the vehicle for the 2 traffic block cops

beta v1.0.4.0:
- added hostage taker animation with 2 peds
- reworked CleanScene
- reworked HostageSituation + Locations

beta v1.0.3.0:
- clean code in HostageSituation
- fixed bug in HostageSItuation where stuff is not spawned, thx to @NightYield & Wigleg
- added the 2 new translation for czech , thank you Wigleg for the fast response!

beta v1.0.2.0:
- changes to Clean the Scene after a callout ends
- more bugfixes
- a new Location to LostObejct in the north

beta v1.0.1.0:
- new Callout HostageSituation
- 5000 bugfixes (thanks to @NightYield)
- added french translation
- added Translation files for 3 new callouts

alpha v1.0.0.1:
- lot of bug fixes (Dependency Checker)
- some translations
- 2 new Callouts:
- LostFreight
- LostObject
- 3rd one in the making

beta Old v2.1:
- if STP is installed, Ped will no longer displayed as dead
- added Translation lines:
- for dead peds
- for Welcome & UpdateChecker
- other
- WantedSuspectLocated:
- added Suspect Description
- time for search is now 45s
- Blip and AreaBlip are no longer there when pursuit starts
- Kidnapping:
- Victim is definitely not wanted
- Shooting: suspect blips, the shooting and notifications all start at 65f distance
- Kidnapping: changes little things

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