[scripts]Throw Props like in GTA IV


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GTA Player
Mar 1, 2025
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One of the greatest features from GTA 4, omitted from 5, now back thanks to modding!

Allows players to pick up props on the ground near them, throw them, drop them, or use them as melee weapons! Inspired by Ambient Weapons, an old crack at this idea from ten years ago now, by MoMadenU.


-Pick up any prop that isn't nailed down
-Option to limit max prop size
-Pickup animation
-drop animation
-Hold the throw button for a stronger throw
-Highlight selected prop (optional)
-props can make peds ragdoll when hit
-Configurable throw strength

Hold E or D-Pad Right (default, configurable) to enter grabbing mode. From here, you can press the aim button to grab whatever prop is at your feet.
With a prop in your hand, hold Aim. Use R on keyboard or B on controller to melee, or left click/right trigger to throw.
To drop a held prop, hold E or D Pad Right again and press the aim button again.

Config Options:
Modifier Control - Which button must be held to grab or drop props
Throw Strength - How far the thrown prop can go
Prop Size Limit - Largest diagonal bounding box size for a prop to be considered grabbable
Should Props Flash - Highlight whichever prop is close enough to pick up.

NOTE: The Prop Size limit is quite small by default! if you want to pick up bigger props, boost that value in the config!


Drop ThrowProps.dll and ThrowProps.ini into your GTA V scripts folder.

Known Issues:
-The throw is not 100 percent accurate, it's a bit to the left of the crosshair in third person. Working on a better equation.
-Many props have poor positioning in the player's hand. not much I can do about this.
-Props will despawn when brought too far from their origin. This is just how GTA V works.
-Some props won't knock over peds because they're not heavy enough. Rockstar moment.
-The dropping animation is a little buggy. Working on a fix.
-Occasionally after throwing props around, you'll be unable to get in a vehicle. Switch weapons to temporarily fix this. Working on a permanent solution.

0.1.0 - Initial Release

NVE was used for the screenshots because pretty
TheNGClan for the Niko Bellic character Model
MoMadenU for the original Ambient Weapons mod from 2015
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